A publisher and marketer
with over a decade of experience spanning book publishing, digital media and independent magazines.


  • communication that’s clear and conversational,

  • content that’s bold and memorable, and

  • marketing and brand strategy that merges integrity with experience.

From conceptualising award-winning campaigns for best-selling books, to creating publications credited with shifting perspectives and changing lives, I’ve had the joy of falling in love with my work again and again over the years.

Now, let me fall in love with yours.  

Pull up a chair to discuss:

  • Whether you’re an individual looking to grow your personal profile, a new business looking to gain clarity, cut-through and an understanding of your audience, or an existing business wanting to redefine your voice and place in the market, I offer brand strategy sessions (90 mins +) and the option of a follow-up written brand strategy, compiled by me, to guide you through your goals for growth.

    Get in touch to discuss your aims.

  • From confident and courageous social media, advertising and website copy to thought-provoking and insightful essays, articles and op-eds on specific subjects — trust me when I say I’ve got your copy needs covered. For over a decade I’ve written for diverse audiences, from teen girls, cool aunties and artist mothers to tech entrepreneurs, corporate leaders and senior medical professionals.

    Writing work can be booked on a by-project basis or as a part-time contract subject to availability.

  • Whether you’re an author or self-publisher needing industry advice or help with launching a new title or series, or an organisation wanting to bring in a fresh, independent perspective with industry knowledge, I offer consulting sessions (90 mins +) where we combine your aims with my expertise to set you on your desired publishing path.

    Get in touch to discuss your requirements.

  • Looking for a great marketing generalist or some help engaging your customers and community? I offer marketing and engagement strategy sessions (90 mins +) and personalised marketing and engagement reports covering areas such as social media and digital marketing, retail marketing, advertising and partnerships, communications and content strategy.

    This offering is ideal for those in the art, design, lifestyle, motherhood or children’s spaces, however those from other industries are encouraged to enquire.

Pull up a chair

Pull up a chair

Work and projects

  • Marketing career

    For more than a decade I’ve worked as a marketer, with a focus on brand and project management across digital media and book publishing.

  • HOWL Magazine

    Founder, Creative Director & Publisher

    HOWL is an Australian print magazine featuring artwork, photography, interviews and stories that explore the intersection between creative practice and motherhood.

  • Young Vagabond

    Co-founder, Creative Director & Editor

    Young Vagabond ran from 2012-2016 as a feminist magazine for teen girls, and a workshop program for high school students focused on challenging and redefining gender stereotypes.